Villa Malaga
Produced by
Eterio Ortega Santillana, VIVEN AG, Canal Sur
Eterio Ortega Santillana, Maria Vallejo, Sebastian Cepeda
Stefan Persili, Javier Krauel, Juan Muñoz, Jose Manuel Moreno, Jonas Tofterup, Adriana Rojo
Written by
Eterio Ortega Santillana
Directed by
Eterio Ortega Santillana
Release Date
April 3, 2024
After purchasing some old bottles of Málaga wine at an auction, surprisingly bottled in the Swiss city of Lenzburg at the beginning of the last century, Stefan Persili embarks on a journey through the past and present of Málaga wines. It is a culture deeply rooted in vineyards since ancient times, which has given rise to traditions, shaped landscapes, and left a mark on people's lives, shaping their understanding of life in connection with nature and the vine.Filmed in Switzerland and Málaga, the movie traces the history of wines that once became perhaps the most renowned and prestigious in the world, and now are experiencing a strong resurgence in the hands of innovative winemakers. A historical tasting brings together friends and experts, delving into the lives of different characters: men and women who strive to preserve the viticultural heritage while also embracing new winemaking techniques that are surprising the wine world.
Viven film produces feature films, shorts, series and documentaries.

Based in Zurich and Milan, we explore the world and its stories, one piece at a time.